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How CRM Email Marketing Software Improves Customer Segmentation

With the world of digital marketing bursting at the seems with new and exciting ways for businesses to connect with customers, there is an urgent need to streamline your message glBeginners Guide. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) email marketing software is a powerful tool that has been gaining ground in recent years. Not only does this simplify email marketing, but it greatly enhances customer segmentation for effectively targeting the right people with the perfect message at just-the-right time. The mean of this post is to examine how CRM email marketing software improves customer segmentation and fetches improved business results.

Customer Segmentation Explained

Customer segmentation is a way to classify customers of a business into groups, with which they can be categorized according to some criteria and patterns so that businesses identify the right customer profiles as per their needs. Through the segmentation of customers, businesses can develop targeted marketing campaigns that speak more directly (versus a one size fits all approach) to each group separately rather than blasting out generic messages across their entire customer base. A strategy tailored to the individual customer frequently results in higher levels of engagement, loyalty and conversion.

But it can be very difficult to engage in powerful segmentation without purpose-built tools And this is where CRM email marketing software steps in. This makes it easy to segment your audience and better control who sees what from your brand through the use of CRM software features, so that you can automate segmentation based on customer data and send only relevant messages out for every interaction.

Source: activecampaign.com

Customer Segmentation and CRM & Email Marketing Crime

1. Centralized Data foundation for Better Insights

For instance, one of the things CRM email marketing software does exceptionally well is centralizing customer data. It combines data from every channel, such as customer interactions, web visits and behaviour, purchase history or service requests. A complete overview of customer buying behavior, and insight into their preferences can be used to shape more specific segments that do make sense.

For example, if a customer tends to buy in one category more than others then the CRM will enable you to segment this buyer as “frequent buyers” and promote these type of products using smart product recommendations. This type of data integration provides marketing campaigns with actionable insights, leading to a more successful campaign and less shoot-from-the-hip trial-and-error.

2. Behavioral Segmentation

New applications of CRM email marketing software allow businesses to segment their customers in real-time based on behavior, too. This includes monitoring of email opens, clicks along with visits to the website and within shopping cart. Analyzing this behavior makes it possibe for businesses to realize at what stage of the entire buying journey their customers are currently in and then send asknowledging emails.

For better example, customer add items to cart and buyer didn't complete purchase so the software automatically segment into an "abandoned card" groups and send follow up email for completing a transaction. By segmenting according to behavior, businesses may provide messages that convert by more likely delivering them at the right moment and/or message in a time when the customer is open and receptive.

3. SIM Models offer the data in terms of Demographic and Geographic Segmentation.

Targeting parameters based on demographic and geographic variables like age, gender, location or income level are critical in creating the most effective campaigns. When CRM email marketing software allows companies to create segments of leads or users, plugging in these attributes and values automatically sends the right types of messages based on customer demographics.

One example is a CRM software used by a clothing retailer to divide its customer base into men and women, in this case seasonally with winter clothes advertised to the male customers of cold regions. This is personalized targeting at its finest meaning customers get offers that are more in line with their needs and the cycle increases making engagement till sales.

4. Lifecycle Segmentation

Customer lifecycle segmentation – as the name implies, segments customers based on where they are in their journey. CRM email marketing software can follow customers from new leads down to loyal, and beyond. Email campaigns like those sent from marketing automation platform, MailChimp, can help nurture relationships and keep customers coming back for more.

For instance, new customers can be automatically segmented into a welcome series and sent an introductory email or series of emails about the brand. Businesses can further send exclusive offers or loyalty rewards to opening customers. With the ability to deliver a well timed message at every stage of their journey, businesses can turn more new customer acquisition into repeat business and drive that lifetime value!

5. Selection Automation  Dynamic Segmentations

CRM Email Marketing Software allows you to automate the entire segmenting process which is one of its biggest perks. Customer data is real-time, which means the software can update segments automatically as customer information change. The advantage of this is that you can be sure customers are placed in appropriate groups to receive emails.

But a buyer in the “prospect” segment can be moved to an entirely different group (i.e. repeat buyer) whenever he/she makes another purchase, automatically without human intervention. This means time saved, and hyper-accurate marketing campaigns on the basis of dynamic segmentation.


A CRM email marketing software is an essential tool to take businesses closer towards better customer segmentation. It also collects all information about customers and can track behaviour, automate segmentation while providing timely personalized emails. The end result is a great customer engagement, increase conversion rates and improve the relationship between business with their customers. In a time where personalized marketing necessary for success, CRM email marketing software offers businesses the ability to segment their audience in more sophisticated ways and realize better outcomes.

Back to >> CRM Email Marketing Software: The Perfect Blend for Business Success

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