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Flexibility for Different Business Sizes

Flexibility is vital for businesses of every size in this day and age. Regardless of whether you own a business with enough people to start calling it a corporation, or your "business" consists of the side hustle you found coming out of that four-year bachelor degree (trust us, we know), being able to pivot on an airplane is the key to winning in 2022. Want more flexibility? However, when it comes to flexibility, the strategy frequently varies according to the scale of the organization. Staying agile to external forces is a great challenge and opportunity for every small business, medium size enterprises (SMEs) and large corporates. Knowing where the differences lie can help business leaders customize their strategy to be able to grow and develop further.

Flexibility in Small Businesses

Flexibility can be an inherent advantage for small businesses. Thanks to a flatter corporate structure with shorter chains of command and more rapid communication between decision-makers and employees, small businesses can respond quickly to shifting market conditions. Entrepreneurs have the capacity to arrive at quick Decisions without entering into prolonged approvals and business practices enabling them to grab new Option opportunities or modify the procedures with minimum lead Time.

Source: blueatlasmarketing.com

But, the resource constraints that often plague small businesses means they are unable to respond to such situations quickly. It may be too small teams do not have the bandwidth for making changes or new implementations. They also might not have the same financial cushion that larger vendors have, making it harder to take fast movements. That's why small businesses need quick-done (but smart and most importantly cost-effective) solutions such as cloud tools and lean operational models that scale without overburdening the scarce resources of these companies.

The flexibility of small business also allows for the building of greater rapport with customers. With a limited clientele, small businesses can easily get feedback and align their product/service to the needs of clients. By interacting directly with customers, small businesses are able to foster personalized experiences and customer loyalty which is essential for long-term sustainability.

Adaptability for Mid-Size Companies

The challenges faced by medium-sized businesses are a different ball game. They tend to have more resources than a small business, but they are certainly not as big or resource-laden as a corporation. With this size they frequently find themselves in the middle ground needing to balance between agility vs structure. Medium: Medium-sized companies are still by no means slow movers, but their decision-making processes are usually far more complex than those in smaller firms. They can have more departments and their workflows more formalized, slowing down the response time.

But, this type of structure can also work for you as a medium-sized business has more specialised departments to ensure that each specific area is well taken care of when it comes to growth. Having a properly structured team can enable course corrections that enhance operational efficiency and spur greater innovation. Medium enterprises are also generally more stable than small companies and can afford to make strategic investments in the technology or expansion, without putting their entire existence at risk.

Collaboration and empowerment around a shared vision is essential for keeping the medium enterprise flexible. Executives should bring functional leads into conversations about strategic shifts, creating a more agile and integrated response to market needs. With the balance of department specialization and cross-department collaboration, medium-sized businesses can stay as flexible as they are while still scaling their business.

Traditionally, large corporations tend to be less flexible.

Flexibility in its response can be a good thing–or a not-great-thing for larger corporations. Able to take risks, roll money into new things and markets due to sheer resources and reach, big companies have new tools in the box at every level. But they are large, complex organizations and those factors present obstacles to decisions being made quickly. Change in large organizations has a really predictable process for rollout: These things take planning, buy in from stakeholders and lots of time to execute.

We argue then, that having the scale of a large corporation is not mutually exclusive with remaining flexible and nimble — in fact many (but not all) aspects of organizational size can be leveraged into an asset. For example, they can invest in R&D which allows innovation that smaller companies may not be able to do. They can also test strategies, risk models and customer engagement on a bigger scale, giving them insight from which the smaller firms will benefit.

Big corporations can also bring flexibility at the organizational level through decentralized structures. Giving the power to take decisions to regional or departmental-based leaders can help companies be more responsive and quickly react to local market needs. One way to also lower silos and create a more agile, organization-wide culture of innovation is by creating agile teams within departments.


Flexibility is important for every business, small or big, but the methods of keeping it balanced are different. Small businesses are indeed agile in some way- making quick decisions and adapting to market changes. However, they require a focus on maximum productivity with minimum cost and investing only where it is necessary. Medium-sized businesses lie somewhere in the middle of agile and corporate structures, still having specialized teams whilst being financially robust enough to respond to market demand. Even very large corporations can be agile if they have decentralized decision-making authority and investment in innovation.

With all this, by knowing its size and adjusting your strategies according to it, the company will gain more chances to remain strong over time in front of such a dynamic market. Flexibility is not simply about making inside decisions fast however having a culture and a structure that lets the business change, peradventure innovate, and prosper when there are challenges.

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